Wow! It has been quite a while since I have written anything at all. It appears that I've nearly abandoned this blog. Not so. I think about things to write all of the time. It always seems to come out fine when I'm writing it in my head on my commute home, but when I actually sit down to tap it out on my keyboard, I come up blank.
A lot happened in the last few months of 2011. There were weddings, vacations, hockey games, new friends, parties, etc. All things that are blog worthy. But, there's no point in looking back I guess. We've entered a new year with new things happening. There are a number of significant changes coming in 2012 and I'm excited. And nervous. And excited. But that's what change is supposed to be, right?
I feel like I should be making New Year's resolutions or setting goals. I'm never good at doing that. Many people are adamant that you should have goals for your life. You should set small, attainable goals then big goals. I don't know if it's the commitaphobe in me or what, but I hate setting goals. I never pay attention to the goals I set anyway. I do what comes to me. I do what I want to do. I do what I need to do. I do what comes to mind. This seems a bit contradictory to my normal way of functioning considering that I don't like it when plans suddenly change. I don't adapt well. I like to know what lies ahead of me for the day and I don't like abrupt changes. But, it is what it is.
I do have some things I'd like to do this year, but I haven't really spent too much time thinking about it.
I'd like to do something awesome like skydiving. Or go zip lining again! (Oh, I didn't tell you about that. Maybe later)
I'd like to visit my friend in Florida who I have been promising for a couple of years that I'd come visit.
I'd like to blog more and be more interesting. I don't know how to do this though.
I'd like to be more positive, especially toward the people I work with and some of my family members.
I'd like to go to church. (This was a resolution last year and I kick myself regularly over this one. I hate finding a church though. I hate the whole process!)
I'd like to build a good nest egg. As good as a single person can build on their own.
I'd like to give a few family members my whole-hearted, honest opinion on a few things like how they are so very wrong about other family members.
I'd like to go back to counseling to work out a few more things.
Wow, I guess I have thought about it more than I realized. These are all things I'd like to do. It doesn't mean that they'll necessarily happen. Regardless, I'm looking forward to new things in 2012. What about you?